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Producer, DJ and multi-instrumentalist Luke Osborne, aka Leaps, is the latest Goldsmiths alumnus to add to South East London's rich electronic music legacy. Inspired by Massive Attack, Aphex Twin, Four Tet and BICEP, their distinctively soulful sound blends elements of house, garage and an infectious '90s futuristic nostalgia, and is already garnering endorsements from BBC Introducing Dance and more.

'Close' is the first single from the highly anticipated new EP 'Transcendent' and their first on the French Unity label. The track weaves dreamy vocals over haunting pianos, hypnotic pads, and open-plan garage, evoking the late-night beat that yearns for connection in an unforgiving urban landscape.

We have had the pleasure of speaking with him and this has been the result.

Where are you chatting to us from today?

Currently from a local coffee shop in Southeast London called Browns of Brockley.

Congrats on the new single, ‘Close’! What has the initial reception been like?

Ahh thanks so much :) It's been great - I really appreciate the love on the single. Always grateful when receiving positive feedback on any of my releases.

Where did your inspirations for the track come from?

The track came from a feeling to be closer to someone, physically but also spiritually. I wanted to demonstrate this by finding emotive chords and unique soundscapes to create this emotion. I actually wrote the track in one sitting during a late night session - I always find inspiration in creating at this time.

Southeast London has a strong musical heritage, is that something you think about when working on your own projects?

I went to Goldsmiths University which is such a vibrant community and so many artists to create with and connect with. Yes definitely something I think about when creating. New Cross is culturally such a diverse environment so it’s easy to find inspiration at every corner. For me I do believe that taking time away from the studio is just as important as making music in the studio.

Tell us a bit about your musical background and how the ‘Leaps’ project came together.

I grew up in a musical household and was lucky enough to be exposed to a variety of music. I started learning the drums at a young age and played in lots of different styles of bands such as Jazz, Classical and Rock. This really laid down my foundation as a musician. I really got into music production in my last year of Goldsmiths University studying the Popular music course - It really opened me up to a new side of being a musician. After Uni I went on to create other projects and play drums for different artists including Moko. One of the most memorable highlights was supporting Chase and Status on their arena tour.

The Leaps project came together in early 2020. Just before lockdown - I grew a love for electronic dance music and it just felt right to start creating in this style. At the beginning of 2019 I found myself experimenting further with vintage synths and sampling. It opened me up to a new soundscape and a more experimental approach - I'm also a big fan of 90’s electronic music. Artists such as Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, Four-Tet and current artists such as BICEP, TSHA and Overmono. I see these artists as a strong inspiration.

Can you tell us more about the creative process involved in your work?

I tend to write quite quickly when creating a track as I like to get the idea out there as fast as possible. I use Ableton as my main DAW and have a selection of analogue keyboards that I like to use when creating the soundscape. My main go to synths are the Prophet-5 or the Juno-6 as these sounds really resonate to me. I love cinematic production and emotive melodies so anything that fits in between tends to be the direction I like to go in.

‘Close’ is the lead single from your forthcoming ‘Transcendent’ EP, what can we expect to find on that? Is there a specific concept or narrative that you’re working towards?

There are elements of breakbeat, house, electronica and garage infused within the EP. I also like to use vocal samples as a percussive element within the tracks too. Since childhood I have always been a big fan of astronomy, delving into the unknown is something I am deeply passionate about. The idea of losing yourself in a trance-like state when listening to dance music in the club is something that excites me. So creating that similar effect is paramount to the sound of this EP.

What can fans expect from Leaps in 2023?

A new EP, DJ gigs, collaborating with different artists and releasing more singles.

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