Ukrainian DJ Karry G released her second single «Like a rush».
Karry G said: «Not sure about how long it took us to do it. We just went into the studio in the morning and started writing it. I remember that I was immediately immersed in it. First the beat emerged, then the drop, then the lines were written. It was really like a rush of adrenaline.
You know, to describe the feeling, it is a mixture of an ideas that was al-ready in my head, then there was the here and now attitude when you just sit down and create, and I also thought of making a track that gets me moving».
Karry G also plans to shoot an atmospheric video for this track.
Karry told: «The video is done already. And it may well surprise you. Me and the crew, we really wanted to make something special. It’s gonna be good content.
The feedback from colleagues have varied. But most of them were good. The first to listen to it were the Silver Panda».